FAOPMA Magazine July 2019
FEDERATION OF ASIAN & OCEANIA PEST MANAGERS ASSOCIATIONS – FAOPMA Magazine July 2019 featuring news, book reviews, features, events and more.
FEDERATION OF ASIAN & OCEANIA PEST MANAGERS ASSOCIATIONS – FAOPMA Magazine July 2019 featuring news, book reviews, features, events and more.
World Pest Day was celebrated on 6th June 2019 in Lucknow by IPCA Members. On this occasion the Chief Guest was Mr. Ram Chandra Singh…
The Indian Pest Control Association (IPCA), celebrated World Pest Day on June 6, 2019 at IPCA Mumbai office. The day is marked to observe World Pest Day…
The Indian Pest Control Association (IPCA), the apex body of pest control professionals in the country will be observing June 6, 2019 as World Pest Day 2019.